Grief and bereavement can be very hard to cope with, especially when a loved one’s death has come as a shock. Some people choose to keep busy in order to take their mind off what has happened, or create a purpose such as raising money for a charity. Others often feel dazed and in complete shock. There is no right or wrong way to deal with grief, but it is important to understand that although the pain of losing somebody is very raw in the first few weeks, this will become easier over time.
A good way of dealing with bereavement is to talk to others who have experienced similar situations. It is sometimes comforting to speak to people who have similar emotions and can help you to provide mutual support during this time. William Mitchell are currently planning to hold a regular grief and bereavement session for people to talk about their experience and to share memories of their loved ones. Please look out for news on this in future blogs.
At times, grief can feel like a black hole with no way out, but your loved one would not want you to remain in a permanent state of sorrow and despair and would want you to continue with your life. The memories that you shared together will always be there and will provide some comfort in the years ahead. Finding a new purpose in life, whether raising money for a charity or finding a new hobby can give you some direction and can help to focus your mind on something productive.
The first few months, and even years following the death of a loved one can be hard. There are reminders everywhere of your time together. Take solace in the fact that you shared good times together and that your loved one lived their life. If you feel that you need some support, then please do not hesitate to contact us and we can guide you in the right direction.
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