Paul Dyke, from Great Barr, has one last wish to go away with his wife Tracey – and Aldridge Funeral Directors William Mitchell are on a mission to make it happen.The 55- year-old has been given months to live after being diagnosed with cancer – when part way through chemotherapy treatment he was told the condition was getting worse.
Tracey contacted local businesses in a bid to find support to help the couple get away which is when Donna Ryan from William Mitchell got in touch.And now, after £800 has been raised, the married couple of 30 years this December, will spend a week in Somerset next month.Tracey said: “Paul has been unwell for much of our married life but we’ve had some happy times together and stuck through it.“We wanted to go abroad but the doctors said he couldn’t fly because he’s prone to blood clots whilst in the air.“It will lovely to get away with the family and take our minds off everything. Our granddaughter is coming along and we’re staying in a little cottage.“William Mitchell have been fantastic – I can’t thank them enough for their help.”Although enough has been raised to pay for them to go away, the funeral directors are still fundraising for Paul to make the stay as memorable as possible.Future fundraising events include a quiz night at a local curry house in Aldridge and a car wash at the fire station.Donna Ryan, from William Mitchell, who set up their business in Aldridge High Street less than a year ago, said: “It’s great to be able to help out Paul and Tracey.“He wanted to go to away to Malta when he had a year to live but now he’s got less but they will still have a lovely time away together.“It’s just a race against time at the moment to raise as much money as possible which is why we are struggling.”
For details to find out how to donate call the Funeral Directors on 01922 288599
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